Between work, kids, homeschooling, family and trying to stay healthy, the everyday pressure of life can easily lead to anxiety. There is so much going on around us, so it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, anxious, helpless and at times, depressed.

But you are not alone, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults. The good news is that there are many natural ways that can be very effective in coping up with anxiety and depression without popping pills.
Here are eight simple and effective ways to battle anxiety without medication.
1 Get moving

Exercise is probably the last thing on your mind right now. But there is no better anti-anxiety solutions than physical activity – something that keeps your mind engaged and pumps your heart rate. So instead of watching another episode on netflix, turn on your favorite music and dance it out, shout it out! You can also go our for a walk or run if possible. Exercise releases happy-making endorphins, that act like natural antidepressants, so get moving
2 Go to bed before 10pm

Earlier is even better. getting good quality sleep is essential for mental, emotional and physical health and it’s the best defense against stress. Turn off your screens, read a good book or have a warm tea and try to get to get to the bed before 10pm. If you are having trouble falling sleep, make sure you follow the next tip.
3 Avoid caffeine

Not just during evening hours, but during day time as well. Caffeine reduces serotonin levels and also impacts the quality of sleep, causing a vicious circle.
4 Never skip a meal

Your blood sugar drops when you don’t eat, which causes the release of a stress hormone called cortisol. make sure to keep your blood sugar stable, that also helps avoid mood swings
5 Expose yourself to sunlight

It’s proven to boost mood and increase vitamin D levels which further supports immune system and also emotional health. Take at least 10 minutes to be outdoors and breath deeply.
6 Drink lots of water

When we are occupied, we easily forget to drink water which causes dehydration. Carry a water bottle with you and drink water throughout the day
7 Get a massage
A soothing massage has many benefits – it calms our nervous system, helps body detoxify by improving blood circulation and soothes our mind and senses. You can also do a self-massage with warm oil at home and feel refreshed and calm in just 10 minutes.
8 Eat easy to digest foods

Our digestion suffers when we are under stress and that’s the reason why we don’t feel hungry or feel like eating. But as we saw earlier, it’s important that we don’t skip meals but make sure the food you are eating is healthy, vibrant, fresh and easy to digest. Avoid anything that’s heavily processed and loaded with preservatives. Instead, your favorite comfort food can do the wonders.
Live in the moment

You can’t control the future, and you can’t borrow a time machine and change the past, so here’s a thought: Live in the moment. Take each day as it comes. Be happy and live healthy!
Love and Light,
💜 Radhika